The Grand Adventure

29,726 miles. We’ve told many people how ordinary the trip seemed in the midst of it. Daily life was still daily life. Parenting was still hard. Marriage was still hard. Exercise and eating healthy were still hard. We had grand visions that the trip would somehow transform our lives. Turns out “the grass isn’t always greener” is a cliche for a reason!

The whole experience of our past year seems surreal now that we’re settled back into stationary life. Like many memories, the challenging times seem to fade as other memories sweeten with age. We experienced so many sacred moments connecting with friend and family, watching our kids explore the world, and simply being in awe of creation. A grand adventure indeed.

Anyway, enough sentimental drivel. It’s time for the raw data. Here’s one final infographic to capture the details of our travels.

Categories: Camping, Family, Travel
