Author: Kimberlee

Our August “Plan”

Hahahaha. PLANNING. We did our best but the universe had some other ideas…

We had finally set a hard departure date of August 2 but a few items have set us back…

  • second house buyer “changing her mind”
  • broken front axel on the Fit
  • broken suspension on the truck
  • dying spark plugs on the Fit
  • dying spark plugs on the truck
  • dying VCT solenoids on the truck
  • undiagnosable engine shaking on the truck (Any ideas? Anyone? Nick’s tried everything.)
  • shaking bumper/bike rack on trailer
  • a leak (or two or three) in the truck topper
  • Eliza got an infected bug bite
  • Nick’s phone screen broke
  • I got an ear infection (at 36? REALLY?)
  • my computer screen broke
  • gas leak in house basement
  • kids deciding now is a great time to be interested in potty training

Nick reminded me the other day that we made a decision to trade stability and predictability for flexibility and spontaneity…so I guess we are getting that now, JUST NOT IN THE WAY I EXPECTED.

ANYWAYS, after a depressing few weeks, we’re finally getting ready for some adventure! In a while we’re going to head up to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to meet up with some friends from seminary and then spend some time with Nick’s parents and grandpa. After all those festivities we PLAN to tent camp around and see a few sights. Hopefully nothing else breaks between now and then….I’m not holding my breath.


I don’t believe that God tests people or sends tribulations to teach a lesson, but I do believe that we can learn about God and life in all our experiences, not just the happy ones. So what am I learning…

For a new plant to grow, first the seed has to die.  Maybe that is what’s happening here…our old life has to die in order to grow a new kind of life and it’s just a lot longer and slower of a process than I thought it would be. I was ready to pull the bandaid off and run away, but that’s just not how its working out. (We’ve been actively leaving since our announcement in February. FEBRUARY!) I’m now required to surrender my pride when well meaning people ask “When are you leaving?” and I just have to say “I don’t know.”

So guess I am learning that I am not in control? GREAT. DOING REALLY WELL WITH IT OVER HERE.

I AM at the wheel of control while Nick and his dad push the Fit down a busy four land road after the axle broke. Luckily I was a block from the Honda dealership so they didn’t have to push TOO far!